Evacuation Diagrams

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    24h Turn Around

    We offer a 24h turn around service for urgent projects. Call us today for a quote.

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    AS3745 Compliant

    Our diagrams are workplace compliant anywhere in Australia.

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    Competitive pricing

    We offer Evacuation Diagrams from $199.

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    Unlimited reviews

    We provide you with unlimited reviews of  your Evacuation Plan

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    Annual updates

    We will review your Evcuation Diagram annully to ensure it is still compliant.

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    Small offices to large warehouses

    No project is to challenging for us. Wer have in-depth experience in creating Evacuation Diagrams for ou clients.

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    24h Turn Around

    We offer a 24h turn around service for urgent projects. Call us today for a quote.

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    AS3745 Compliant

    Our diagrams are workplace compliant anywhere in Australia.

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    Competitive pricing

    We offer Evacuation Diagrams from $199.

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    Unlimited reviews

    We provide you with unlimited reviews of  your Evacuation Plan

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    Annual updates

    We will review your Evcuation Diagram annully to ensure it is still compliant.

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    Small offices to large warehouses

    No project is to challenging for us. Wer have in-depth experience in creating Evacuation Diagrams for our clients.

Emergency Evacuation Diagrams

Ensure Safety and Compliance in Your Facility

Evacuation diagrams are crucial for the safety of occupants in any building. They provide a quick reference to the safest emergency exit routes, assembly points, and locations of firefighting equipment. In an emergency, seconds count, and clear diagrams can make the difference.

Key Elements of an Effective Evacuation Diagram

  • Clear Paths to Exits: Mark all viable emergency exit routes clearly.
  • Assembly Points: Show safe locations outside the building where occupants should gather.
  • Fire Equipment Locations: Indicate where fire extinguishers, hose reels, and manual call points are located.
  • Orientation Marks: Use a “You are here” marker for orientation on every diagram.

Understanding AS 3745-2010 Standards

Discuss the importance of adhering to AS 3745-2010, which outlines the minimum requirements for the development of emergency plans for facilities, detailing the procedures for effective emergency response, evacuation, and communication.

  • Customized Diagram Design: Tailored diagrams that reflect the specific layout and requirements of your facility, ensuring clarity and compliance with AS 3745-2010 standards.
  • Professional Expertise: Our team of experts brings years of experience in safety planning and compliance, providing you with the highest quality service and peace of mind.
  • Comprehensive Site Assessments: Detailed assessments to understand your premises fully, ensuring that all emergency routes and equipment are accurately represented and comply with legal requirements.
  • Regular Updates and Maintenance: Stay current with ongoing changes in building layouts or safety regulations with our maintenance service, which includes regular updates to your evacuation diagrams.
  • Training and Support: We offer training sessions for your staff to effectively understand and use the evacuation diagrams in emergency situations, enhancing overall preparedness.
  • Compliance Assurance: Our service guarantees that your evacuation plans meet all local regulations and standards, helping you avoid potential legal issues while prioritizing safety.

At Fire Coach Group, we specialize in the design and implementation of AS 3745-2010 compliant emergency evacuation diagrams tailored to meet the unique needs of your facility.

Our expert team collaborates closely with you to ensure that every diagram accurately reflects your building’s layout, includes all required safety features, and adheres to the latest regulatory standards.

We offer a full suite of services, from initial site assessment and diagram design to regular updates and compliance checks. Whether you’re updating existing plans or creating new diagrams from scratch, we provide detailed, clear, and effective solutions to enhance the safety of your premises and ensure peace of mind for both you and your occupants.

Trust us to deliver high-quality, professionally designed evacuation diagrams that not only meet legal requirements but also promote a safe and prepared environment.


Comprehensive Fire Safety and Evacuation Preparedness

We are your full service provider for everything from Fire Training, Evacuation Drills, Emergency Plans & First Aid Training.

Fire Safety Training Programs

We offer a wide range of different Fire & Safety Soluations for your workplace. From Fire Warden training, Fire Extinguisher skills, Evacuation scenarios & tailored workplace emergency options.

Evacuation Procedure Consultation

The world of international supply chains involves a myriad of unknown risks and challenging regulations.

Emergency Response Planning

The world of international supply chains involves a myriad of unknown risks and challenging regulations.

Fire Drill Coordination

The world of international supply chains involves a myriad of unknown risks and challenging regulations.

Fire Warden Certification

The world of international supply chains involves a myriad of unknown risks and challenging regulations.

Fire Risk Assessment Services

The world of international supply chains involves a myriad of unknown risks and challenging regulations.

Emergency Team Training

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Fire Safety Compliance Audits

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Comprehensive Fire Safety Solutions

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